ABOUT image

The Senior Citizen Council of Cobb (SCC) was incorporated in 1973 by the Cobb merchants and business associations. The business associations were also instrumental in establishing Cobb Senior Services (CSS). Because of the symbiotic relationship of CSS & SCC, the Cobb Commission donated space to SCC at the Cobb Civic Center.

In 1977 the SCC joined the Atlanta Regional Commission, and SCC began to hold monthly meetings for Cobb Seniors so that they could give input regarding the needs of Cobb senior citizens to Aging Services, an agency of the Atlanta Regional Commission.

Among the early programs and projects addressed by the SCC were “Crime and the Elderly” instituting an Advocacy Law Project & Senior Citizens I.D. Cards. SCC was instrumental in organizing the Enrichment of Life Movement (E.L.M.) program and “Delegate’s Day at the Park” a gathering at the Capital to address senior needs and they worked with a group in the Georgia State Capital called the “Silvered Haired Legislature” to address legislative issues concerning aging.

In 2011:  With the approval and consent of Commissioner Tim Lee, the SCC moved to the newly erected Cobb Senior Services building in Marietta and was provided with an office and use of the building for meetings. By that time the SCC membership and influence had grown considerably
The SCC financed an annual Gerontology Scholarship at KSU. The SCC was a major contributor to the CSS Resource Manual, the CSS Senior Annual Bridge Tournament, the CSS Conference “Aging by Design”, “Meals on Wheels” and Christmas 365.

In 2016-17: under the leadership of Frank O’Brien, the SCC invested over $67,000 in the launching of SeniorsGO, a pilot program that provided door to door rides for over 6,500 SCC members at a nominal fee.

In 2018: SCC enhanced its website. SCC changed its slogan to “Keeping Cobb Seniors Connected.” SCC conducted a survey on the Millage Tax and presented its finding to Cobb County Board of Commissioners (BOC). $1,000 was presented to CSS for Meals on Wheels. SCC established a political advocacy committee. SCC challenged the BOC on fees levied on Seniors for use of the Cobb Senior Services facilities.

In 2019: Commissioner Kelli Gambrill was guest speaker at the annual meeting. Commissioner Lisa Cupid addressed the SCC Board on incorporated and unincorporated land in Cobb County. Election Director Janine Eveler gave the SCC Board a seminar on the election process. Chairman Mike Boyce and Commissioner Lisa Cupid made the presentations six volunteers from the community selected by an SCC committee. SCC along with the Council on Aging held its first Legislative Forum, seven Cobb state legislators attended. SCC held a workshop on Elder Abuse.

In 2020: In January 2020 the SCC invited Cobb County District Attorney Joyette Holmes to discuss scams targeting Senior Citizens. In March due to the pandemic SCC, suspended in person board meetings and began meeting monthly via Zoom. In March SCC conducted a survey on needs and concerns of Cobb seniors and presented the findings to the Cobb Board of Commissioners. In May SCC upgraded its Vials of Life (medical info kit) by providing thermometers, hand sanitizers and masks for distribution approximately 500 kits through Meals on Wheels. In July SCC conducted a massive food drive. The food was distributed by CSS. In October, SCC in collaboration with Cobb Board of Commissioners (BOC) honored six outstanding community volunteers.

In 2021: No Annual Meeting due to pandemic. In March, SCC conducted a Zoom Workshop for seniors at Piedmont Church. Several board members met with BOC Chairwoman Cupid to discuss issues and concerns on how to make Cobb County more Senior Friendly. In April, SCC conducted a Virtual Legislative Senior Issues Forum, Six Cobb State Legislators attended. In Summer, SCC conducted a Voter Registration Campaign in collaboration with League of Women Voters, Cobb Collaborative, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. In August, SCC conducted a transportation survey and shared its findings with BOC. In September SCC in collaboration with BOC honored six outstanding health service and community volunteers. 

In 2022: SCC provided Voter Education and Information at Cobb Senior Service Centers. SCC participated in the Cobb County International Fair and the Senior Day at County Fair. SCC produced a SENIOR EXPO with over 30 vendors that provided free information and products for seniors. In collaboration with BOC, SCC honored its largest class of outstanding senior volunteers. SCC ended the year with a holiday Potluck Lunch.